Embracing Diversity to Foster Unity and Inclusion

Embracing Diversity to Foster Unity and Inclusion

My Journey with International Women's Day While International Women's Day (IWD) is a time for celebration and reflection, I confess that my relationship with it is complex. I love celebrating our achievements as women and using the platform to inspire and empower other women, because it is a worthy cause and still extremely necessary. However, it also serves as a reminder that leadership should consistently honor the uniqueness of all individuals, acknowledging that we are all minorities in some aspect, whether it pertains to gender, race, culture, interests, learning styles, behavioral preferences, values, experiences, or family traditions. It's easy to…
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The Art of Leadership Balance

The Art of Leadership Balance

Trust is the North Star of strong and high-performing teams, guiding them through the darkest challenges and keeping them on course. It's like the foundation of a sturdy building, built brick by brick with unwavering faith in each other's reliability, truth, ability, and strength. However, trust doesn't come pre-packaged; it's not something leaders can order up like fast food. Instead, it's an ongoing investment that requires consistent effort to earn and protect. Effective leadership takes the role of a skilled architect, constructing trust through intentional, transparent, and impactful communication, ensuring the team stands tall against any storm that comes its…
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Aware leaders impact diversity through inclusion

Dear Unaware Leader, The lack of diversity on your team or within your company is not because there are not enough of a certain race, gender, etc. available to fill a position.  It is because you have not done your part to seek them out, make them feel included or encouraged them to stick around. The answer is easy, the execution is hard.  Are you ready to step up? I am going to assume that since you are reading this you have good intent.  You genuinely believe that gender, race, sexual orientation, personality type, etc. does not hinder someone from…
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